CSSB 110th Anniversary Trade Show & AGM
October 22-23, 2025
Philadelphia, PA
Forest Certified Products
S & W Forest Products Ltd.
9500 - 288th Street
Maple Ridge, BC V2W 1L1
Alt. Phone: (800) 806-9663
Fax: 604-462-0258
Email: sales@swforest.com
Website: www.swforest.com
Visit Member's Website
Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)
Waldun Forest Ltd.
9393 - 287th Street
Maple Ridge, BC V2W 1L1
Phone:(604) 462-8266
Alt. Phone: (800) 492-5386
Fax: (604) 462-8264
Email: sales@waldun.com
Website: www.waldun.com
Visit Member's Website
CSA Z809:2002 (Canadian Standards Association)
Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)
Watkins Sawmills Ltd.
9414 - 288th Street
Maple Ridge, BC V2W 1L1
Phone:(604) 462-7116
Alt. Phone: (800) 663-8301
Fax: (604) 462-7162
Email: sales@watkinsawmills.com
Website: www.watkinsawmills.com
Visit Member's Website
Program for Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)