CSSB 110th Anniversary Trade Show & AGM  
October 22-23, 2025  
Philadelphia, PA

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Certi-Sawn® Tapersawn Shakes

A Certi-Sawn® red cedar shake is sawn both faces but is thicker than a shingle. The added thickness enables it to be applied as a shake (2 ply with paper/felt interlay) resulting in lower application costs. Many architects like the more defined shadowline of the heavier butt.


Untreated Products

cedar shake and shingle products

Certi-Sawn® Tapersawn Cedar Shakes

Premium Grade

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  1. General Information
  2. Installation Information
  3. Warranty Information

1. General Information

Same as Number 1 Grade, except that all product shall be 100% edge grain. All other descriptions from Number 1 Grade apply.

2. Installation Information

Installation guides

Roofing Installation Video

3. Warranty Information

Manufacturer’s Lifetime Limited Warranty

Offered by Member Manufacturers of the Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau (“CSSB”)

Warranty Submissions

For submission requirements see: Manufacturer’s Lifetime Limited Warranty.

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Certi-Last® Shakes & Shingles

Certi-Sawn® Tapersawn Cedar Shakes

Number 1 Grade

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  1. General Information
  2. Installation Information
  3. Warranty Information

1. General Information

Nominal lengths 18″ and 24″ shakes shall be of random widths, minimum width shall be 3 ½”. Tapersawn shakes less than 4″ in width shall not constitute more than 5% of each bundle. Thickness shall be nominal 5/8″ or ¾” with a minus tolerance of 1/16″ in 10% of the bundle. Face 100% clear. Flat grain 20% maximum per bundle. 1/8″ sapwood allowed to exposure line. Additional sapwood permitted above that point.

Roof Exposure
10″ for 24-inch shake; 7½” for 18-inch shake. Interlaid felt is required.

Wall Exposure
Single course: 10½” for 24-inch shake; 8 ” for 18-inch shake

Double course
18″ for 24-inch shake; 14″ for 18-inch shake.

Recommended Use
For walls or roofs on 4:12 slope and steeper where a high quality, durable and uniform appearance is desired.

Starter-finish Course
Length 15′. For use on the underlying starter course at eave lines and for the final course at ridges where trimming would otherwise be necessary and full-length shakes are not needed.

2. Installation Information

Installation guides

Roofing Installation Video

3. Warranty Information

Manufacturer’s Lifetime Limited Warranty

Offered by Member Manufacturers of the Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau (“CSSB”)

Warranty Submissions

For submission requirements see: Manufacturer’s Lifetime Limited Warranty.

Fraud Alert!

Download and read the fraud alert regarding manufacturer’s lifetime limited warranty.

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cedar shake and shingle products

Certi-Sawn® Tapersawn Cedar Shakes

Number 2 Grade

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  1. General Information
  2. Installation Information
  3. Warranty Information

1. General Information

Nominal lengths 18″ and 24″, minimum width shall be 3″, shakes less than 4″ width shall not constitute more than 10% of the running inches of each bundle. Thickness shall be nominal 5/8″ or ¾”: with a minus tolerance of 1/16″ in 10% of the bundle. Limited defects are allowed 9″ above the butt in 18″ shakes and 12″ above the butt in 24″ shakes. Unlimited flat grain is allowed. Sapwood is restricted to 1″ in width for the first 10 inches.

Roof exposure
7½” for 24-inch shake; 5½” for 18-inch shake.

Wall exposure
Single course: 10″ for 24-inch shake; 7½” for 18-inch shake.

Double course
11½” for 24-inch shake; 8½” for 18-inch shake.

Recommended Use
For walls or roofs on 4:12 slope and steeper where a good quality appearance is desired.

  • Class A, B & C fire ratings may be obtained by specifying Certi-Guard® pressure impregnated fire-retardant treated Premium or Number 1 Grade shakes.
  • Certi-Last® pressure impregnated preservative treatment is available for added longevity.
  • Contact the treatment company for treatment warranty information, accessory product requirements (including recommended fastener types) and application details for treated cedar material.
  • Certi-label® cedar shake and shingle products are manufactured by members of the
    Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau are graded in accordance with UBC Standards No. 15-3 and/or CSA 0118.1.
  • 1997 ICBO Uniform Building Code requires No. 2 grade tapersawn shakes having two thicknesses at the butt: 5/8″ or ¾” with a minus tolerance of 1/16″.
  • This is only a product description necessary for selection of materials and grades. For a new roof construction manual and/or wall manual please contact: info@cedarbureau.com.

2. Installation Information

Installation guides

Roofing Installation Video

3. Warranty Information

Manufacturer’s Lifetime Limited Warranty

Offered by Member Manufacturers of the Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau (“CSSB”)

Warranty Submissions

For submission requirements see: Manufacturer’s Lifetime Limited Warranty.

Fraud Alert!

Download and read the fraud alert regarding manufacturer’s lifetime limited warranty.

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Treated Products

Certi-Last® Shakes & Shingles

Certi-Last® Shakes & Shingles

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  1. General Information
  2. Installation Information
  3. Warranty Information

1. General Information

The Certi-Last® label identifies red cedar shakes and shingles which have been pressure-impregnated with wood preservatives in compliance with the American Wood Preservers Association (C34 Standard). Preservative retention, penetration, and assay sampling criteria shall be in accordance with the AWPA U107and/or CSA 0118.1 Standard.

Certi-Last® products are manufactured using Certi-Split® cedar shakes, Certigrade® cedar shingles, and Certi-Sawn® cedar shakes. The product is sold under the Certi-Last® trademark when treated to the established standards.

Application: Shakes and shingles are applied according to standard specifications of the Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau. The treatment company may have special requirements regarding flashings, fasteners, etc. Contact the treatment company for more details.

Click here for quick tips including disposal methods.

Recommended Use
Certi-Last® is recommended for use on roofs in areas having a climate index of more than 65 as identified in the USDA Forest Service Techline Durability Paper III -3.

  • Certi-label® cedar shakes and shingles are manufactured by members of the Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau and are graded in accordance with UBC Standards No. 15-3 and 15-4 and/or CSA 0118.1.
  • Contact the treatment company for treatment warranty information, accessory product requirements (including recommended fastener types) and application details for treated cedar material.
  • This is only a product description necessary for selection of materials and grades. For a new roof construction manual and/or wall manual please contact: info@cedarbureau.com

FAQs about treated products can be found here: https://www.cedarbureau.org/literature-education/product-faq/

Testing information about Certi-Guard® products is located here: https://www.cedarbureau.org/cms-assets/documents/268016-338064.cedar-roofing-facts-017.pdf

2. Installation Information

Installation guides

Roofing Installation Video

3. Warranty Information

Manufacturer’s Lifetime Limited Warranty

Offered by Member Manufacturers of the Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau (“CSSB”)

Warranty Submissions

For submission requirements see: Manufacturer’s Lifetime Limited Warranty.

Fraud Alert!

Download and read the fraud alert regarding manufacturer’s lifetime limited warranty.

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Certi-Last® Shakes & Shingles

Certi-Guard® Shakes & Shingles

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  1. General Information
  2. Installation Information
  3. Warranty Information

1. General Information

The Certi-Guard® label identifies cedar shakes and shingles which have been pressure-impregnated with fire-retardant polymers to provide permanent fire protection.

Class B shakes and shingles are identified by their red Certi-Guard® label.

Class C shakes and shingles are identified by their blue Certi-Guard® label.

Class B and C labels must identify the treatment company, the independent testing laboratory, and the building code research number.

Class A wood roof systems can be attained with a component system. Check with the treatment company for installation details.

Certi-Guard® is manufactured from Premium and Number 1 Grade Certi-Split® or Certi-Sawn® cedar shakes or Number 1 Grade Certigrade® cedar shingles.

Check with your local building official and fire official to ensure that the product meets local approval requirements. Treatment company application guidelines should be followed.  Ask the treatment company for installation instructions for Class A, B and C shake and shingle roof systems.

Test Standards: ASTM E-108, UL -790, NFPA-256, UBC Standard 15-2

Flame Temperature
Flame ON minutes
Flame OFF minutes No. of Test Cycles
1400 +/- 50 F
2 2 15
1400 +/- 50 F
2 2 8
1300 +/- 50 F
1 2 3

Brand Size
Brand Wood
No. of Brands
12″ by 12″ | 2¼” inches thick
Douglas Fir 2
6″ by 6″ | 2¼” inches thick
Douglas Fir 2
1½” by 1½” |  25/32 inches thick
White Pine 20

A, B, C
Twelve one week conditioning cycles of 96 hours of water exposure at a rate of 0.7 inches of water per hour, followed by 72 hours of drying time at 140 degrees F. This equates to 20 to 30 years of actual outdoor rain and wear.

*After the rain test and each weathering test period, the shakes and shingles are again subjected to the intermittent Flame, Burning-Brand and Flying Brand test.

Flame Temperature
Flame Application
1400 +/- 50 F
10 minutes
1400 +/- 50 F
10 minutes
1300 +/- 50 F
4 minutes

Flame Temperature
Flame Application
1400 +/- 50 F
10 minutes
1400 +/- 50 F
10 minutes
1300 +/- 50 F
4 minutes

Test Years
A, B, C
Actual outdoor weathering
1, 2, 3, 5, and 10

Manufacturers, inspectors, brokers, distributors, retailers, wholesalers, builders, architects, installers, and technicians have been assembling, recording, and distributing their knowledge of the wood roofing industry through the Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau for over 89 years. This information is therefore provided as a service, and no warranty, express or implied, is given. The CSSB shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damage in connection with the use of the material supplied on these pages.

Testing information about Certi-Guard® products is located here: https://www.cedarbureau.org/cms-assets/documents/268016-338064.cedar-roofing-facts-017.pdf

2. Installation Information

Installation guides

Roofing Installation Video

3. Warranty Information

Manufacturer’s Lifetime Limited Warranty

Offered by Member Manufacturers of the Cedar Shake & Shingle Bureau (“CSSB”)

Warranty Submissions

For submission requirements see: Manufacturer’s Lifetime Limited Warranty.

Fraud Alert!

Download and read the fraud alert regarding manufacturer’s lifetime limited warranty.

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